Thursday, March 30, 2006


“Don’t wait for inspiration. Get to work.” I think that makes a lot of sense. One sketch often suggests something else, so one thing leads to another. Either you start refining it with variation, or it takes you in different directions. There are days when ideas don’t come—a condition that I do not fully understand. On those days I go to other resources. I look at type books. I have a wonderful encyclopedia of typefaces. I keep a morgue of things that I like, and I think it’s why graphic designers acquire a library, because occasionally you need something that’s a catalyst to spark an idea. But to be inspired—I don’t think in those terms. It’s just a problem that I’ve got to solve."
-Doyald Young

I just found this quote in Step Inside Design magazine, a graphic design mag. Doyald Young is a 79-year-old graphic designer, who's specialty is type-face design. There's nothing worse than sitting in front of a computer screen with no ideas and a looming deadline! This guy's been at it for years, and he still has those days.

Anyway, good, practical advice for anyone involved in creative arts!


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