Long Time, No Blog
Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged - that Brad Pitt picture has been sitting on this site for a month now, I see. Oops. Sorry about that. I'm sure that by now the few who did frequent my blog have given up on it...but I'll type anyway... :)It's been a busy month, so I'll touch on some of the highlights...
1). Settling into the new place. What fun! We continue to love this cozy new home of ours, and are enjoying the process of settling in and making it our own. It's been fun unpacking and furnishing/decorating. There are still a couple of rooms that just don't seem to ever get unpacked (more time in the day would be nice :)), and a bit more housework to do than we're used to - but it's all good. Somehow, even housework is more fun to do!
The only thing that is truly daunting to us right now is the yard. We have no experience in taking care of a yard, so this task is an adjustment for both of us. So far Mark has done a stellar job in his job of keeping the lawn mowed, which is wonderful. I, however, am dealing with some personal insecurities on how to approach a couple of necessary tasks, like weeding (knowing exactly what are weeds and what are not - learned that one the hard way!) and taking care of unsightly mushrooms. We've also been doing a ton of raking. Holy buckets, is our yard covered with leaves! It's a fun job though. :)
2). Partying with Piper. We were among the 3000+ who partied with Piper and a number of other speakers last weekend at the Desiring God conference. It was a wonderful, Christ-exalting time of teaching. We heard from David Wells, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, D.A. Carson, and Piper. (We, unfortunately had to miss the Voddie Bauchum talk, which we've heard was incredible...I'm excited to hear it all online - what I've heard was very good). We both learned a ton and gained a lot of clarity on the desperate need to preserve the exultation of Christ in both the church and in our own lives. I left with a renewed sense of passion for this purpose, and felt at least somewhat better equipped to share it with others, particularly as it relates to the emerging church.
In addition to this last weekend's party with Piper, I guess you could say we've been partying with Piper every weekend, as we've been attending Bethlehem Baptist's new South campus. While the service itself is not exactly what we're used to (or what we are naturally drawn to), the Biblical teaching is so rich and the focus on Christ is so great that we have really been blessed by it. On top of that, I have felt refreshed by the sense of humility and authenticity (buzzword) that has been so evident from the front. Even though we joke about "party with Piper", what truly shines through those messages into my heart is not Piper...it's Christ, and that's such a great thing...a hunger-satisfying thing!
Well, it's late; I will close. I just had to do something to get that Brad Pitt pic off the top of my blog!
If you need any help raking or de-mushrooming, feel free to give me a call!
Also, you said "Well it's late", so naturally I looked at what time you posted that & it was 9:58pm. That's like, dinner time for me. Well except for not really.
I can't believe we looked at Brad Pitt for a whole month!
oh that's weird, I don't think it was actually 9:58 when I posted. That would be early for me, too :)
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